
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Harrison Showcase

I know most of the rest of the design team is showcasing Christmas projects, but I'm a little obsessed with my son Harrison at the moment so he's staring in my two projects. I hope you find him just as adorable as I do. :)

We received our professional photographs by Rachael Wilson Photography from the newborn shoot we did when Harrison was ten days old recently and I just had to create a display for them. Scrapmatts chipboard made the perfect accent pieces for this. It's strange to see him looking this small, he's grown so much in just three months!

Scrapmatts used: CB6095 Assorted Words 18; CB1129 Australian Federation Corners 07; CB6093 Ornate Frames 21; CB1209 Scrap Words 12; CB6055 Prams 01; CB5035 Hot Air Balloons 01.

Following on from the 10-day old photos of Harrison, here is one taken last week. My journaling describes some of the early challenges we faced with breastfeeding, how we're working to overcome these and how much I enjoy post feed cuddles (which is when I took this photo).

There are so many different ways you can use chipboard but sometimes all it needs is a quick coat of paint like I've done here.

Scrapmatts used: CB5106 Chevrons 01; CB8001 Circles 01; CB4055 Assorted Words 09.


  1. Awww what an absolute cutie :) Your creations are such fabulous ways to treasure these precious moments with little Harrison
