
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hello 2015

Happy new year everyone... although by now it is in full force already, over a week into the new year. I hope yours has gotten off to a fantastic start.

Like so many, I am still playing catch up on my December Daily. Unfortunately my printer stopped working late November and I only replaced it last week so a bit of a delay on photo printing has slowed me down somewhat.

But I'm plodding along. Here are a few more pages:

And yes I have a little person who is scared of Santa so lucky mummy got another santa photo this year.

I am also motivated to make all the cards for family birthdays ASAP this year so they are good to go throughout the year. Part of my plan of simplifying. So here is my niece's card who hasn't got a birthday til mid February.
Do you like to make cards in advance or are you a spur of the moment card maker?


  1. Your December Daily is looking fabulous!!!! What a gorgeous idea to help preserve those special memories :)

  2. Loving how the tags are doing..stunning
