
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

When life throws you lemons, make lemonade

Hello everyone

Well its scary times for so many of us at the moment, 2020 has definitely not been the year we thought it would be.    However I'm sure so many of you are making good use of this isolation time to get some much needed crafting done.  At least art lets us escape from the world, even if only for a moment.

Sharing today with you all is two pages I recently created, first up is a real industrious style of page, loads of embossing and waxing products used to give a real metal look on the chippies.

 On this close up you can see the embossing  I've done with on the gears,  a silver & green powder followed by some Prima Wax.

I've used two different chipboard packs for this one, I was wanting the smaller gears for layering so have chopped the chain away on the bottom ones.

My next page I've just used one of the dress forms snipping away the parts I didn't want and then covered it with some decorative paper, finishing with a bow.

This is what I love about chipboard its so versatile, from covering it with paper to embossing with powders you can add your own style.

Well that's all from me this month, stay safe and stay home when you can.